Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What A Sad Affair: Steve McNair

Sadly, this could have happened to any of us. Money, riches, fame, glory and a cheating spouse! Sometimes when money is no problem...other things may become less obvious. I am curious to know if there were any signs of an affair before this tradegy.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Workers Compensation Investigations

Workers compensation laws are intended to protect employees who get hurt in the workplace. Federal employees are entitled to two-thirds of their monthly salaries when out on disability, and even more if they are permanently hurt. All states have their own compensation laws. While these laws are vital to the stability of society, they can be corrupted. Employers must investigate individual cases to prevent themselves from being taken advantage of. In fact, workers compensation fraud costs insurance companies and the public more than 60 billion dollars every year.

Because benefits such as medical coverage are often part of the compensation people receive, many people out on workers' compensation have very little incentive to return to work. They can either stay at home, not work at all, and receive a portion of their salaries, or return to the daily grind at full pay. Some people opt for the former at the expense of their employers or the taxpayers. While most workers' compensation claims are legitimate, there are schemers who succeed at their fraudulent ways.

Suspicion is a terrible feeling!

Suspicion is a terrible feeling. It is based partly on logic and largely on instinct, which is why any straightforward accusations you make will most likely be countered with a staunch denial that you can neither prove nor disprove. An unfaithful husband can say you are being insecure. A daughter who has not been caught taking drugs can argue that your are paranoid. Then you might begin to doubt yourself, although the suspicions will probably linger. You should hire a professional to get the truth.

Investigating Insurance Claims

Investigations are an absolute necessity for any insurer. From the average person who tends to stretch his stories to be more slightly more favorable to the full-time con artist who stages accidents, many people are less than 100 percent honest when dealing with insurance companies. By launching investigations into questionable claims, insurers can save thousands of dollars per fraudulent claim, and millions every year. You must get them before they get you!


The following is a guide to help you determine if your mate is cheating on you. After reading this list you may find there is some area of concern. Do not confront the cheater because this will only cause them to clean up their act, become more careful not to get caught, and make it more difficult for you to catch them. You may not have enough proof to make your case. I would urge you to seek professional help.

1. At the beginning of an affair the mate that is cheating is more attentive to his/her spouse. This is due to guilt that the cheater may be feeling at the time.

2. After the affair has been going on for a while, the person cheating seems to find fault with the person he/she may be living with to try to justify the affair in their mind. They may become physically or verbally abusive. Saying things such as: "You never do anything right", "You can't make me happy any more", "I don't know why I'm still with you", "Why don't you leave", "You're getting fat", "What's this you've cooked for me, it's horrible", "You haven't done anything all day, what are you good for", "I love you, I'm just not in-love with you any more", "You can't give me what I want any more", "I need some time to myself", "I don't care about you any more", "You are hopeless", "I hate you". All of these quotes does not mean that your spouse/partner is having an affair, please use this as a guide only. Intuition (gut feeling) that something is not right usually is a sign you may have a cheating problem.

3. Cheating spouses/partners may lose interest in the activities in the home. They don’t show interest in the livelihood of you or the children that live in the home. Sometimes they no longer have any desires to do any fix-ups to the home (i.e. lawn care, house repairs, etc.).

4. Cheaters my have a change in sex life (i.e. more sex, less sex) as well as unexplained sexual requests. If you have never watched pornographic material before and now all of a sudden you are asked to perform what is on the tape, this may be a sign that your spouse/partnr is engaging in this type of activities with someone else.

5. The cheater has a definite change in attitude towards everyone in the home, especially the mate (i.e. “if he/she did not act the way they do, well then maybe I would not do the things I do”). You may start to get blamed for things more often.

6. The finances begin to change. If someone wants to play they have to pay! Keep an eye on the cheater's spending habits ( i.e. check book records, bank account balances, credit card bills, etc.). This will tell you whether their spending more money than usual. Or in some cases, extra money may appear for the female cheater.

7. Grooming habits will change. They may start to wear cologne/perfume or a different fragrance, get haircuts/hairdos more frequently, or start to dress differently by purchasing more revealing/youthful/designer clothing other than their normal style of fashions. Normally, if your spouse/partner has nothing to hide, they will share their purchases with you and explain what a "great deal" they got on those items!

BONUS: The cheater may purchase a sports car without discussing it with you, attend the night clubs more frequently, stay in the bathroom longer (he/she may be texting), hiding their cell phone, answering the home phone more frequently than usual especially on the first ring.

When In Doubt, Check It Out!

Maybe it can’t happen to you.

A phone bill with frequent calls from your spouse to a mysterious number. Or sudden late night meetings with flimsy explanations. Its probably nothing right?

You’re hiring a new nanny or day care service and find yourself wondering, “Who is this person watching my child, really?” Are they safe? Is there a criminal background? Are they qualified?

You’re about to make the commitment of a lifetime - marriage. All you can think about is your future together. Yet, there are lingering questions about his or her past. It’s probably nothing.

When you find yourself with concerns, there might be only one way to be sure. JP Investigative Group has the expertise and experience to investigate your domestic or family concerns with complete professionalism and discretion.

We’ll report back to you with the evidence to restore your peace of mind, or to confirm your unfortunate assumptions. Either way, you finally know for sure what’s going on. What’s it worth to have peace of mind?